Enrollment Resources

In the Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS), “our students are our work.” From new student orientation through graduation, we are available to answer questions, help solve problems, identify exciting opportunities and help our students fully embrace the intellectually rich and rigorous academic experience that is Howard!

Academic Success Tips

Regularly check your HU email account.

Official University notices regarding pertinent information (registration, financial aid, advising, etc.) are regularly sent to your HU email address. You are responsible for checking your email, and when necessary, taking the necessary action.

Meet with your ACE Advisor & discuss your academic plans.

Your academic advisor is your matriculation partner. Be sure to schedule a meeting to discuss your academic plans, explore opportunities, and report issues (missing grades, course substitution, transfer credit questions, dropping a course, etc.). Your advisor will help you to make informed decisions about your academic journey.

Learn more about student support services at Howard University.

Your school or college, the Office of Undergraduate Studies, The Writing Center, Special Student Services, and the Counseling Center are a few of the many offices that offer services and programs that will facilitate your academic success. Visit those offices that offer services and programs that will facilitate your academic success. Visit those offices to find out what services meet your needs. Let someone know what you need. If you don't ask, you will not get the assistance you need.

Check BisonHub regularly to determine if action is necessary.

If you need assistance, contact your academic or faculty advisor. A hold on your record blocks registration to access and negates your registration priority. The hold will not magically disappear if you don't take action. Do not ignore holds! An unresolved hold will jeopardize your academic future.

Meet new friends and get excited about your academic journey!

At Howard University, we are a family. We have students from every state and over 26 countries. It is imperative that you make a friend that will support your academic and personal success on campus. Everyone is here to succeed and leave a legacy. What will your legacy be? Who will you work with to ensure you leave a better Howard for those coming after you?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a pressing question about the next steps you should take? Please refer to the list below to help direct you. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies at (202) 806-4029.