Petroleum Engineering Handbook

"Volume V, Reservoir engineering and petrophysics" helps reservoir engineers learn how to acquire and interpret data that describe reservoir rock and fluid properties; understand and predict fluid flow in the reservoir; estimate reserves and calculate project economics; simulate reservoir performance; and measure the effectiveness of a reservoir management system.

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Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Том 4
Larry W. Lake
Просмотр фрагмента - 2006

Библиографические данные

Название Petroleum Engineering Handbook
Автор Larry W. Lake
Редакторы Edward D. Holstein , Larry W. Lake
Авторы Larry W. Lake , Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.)
Издатель Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2007
ISBN 1555631320, 9781555631321
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 1640
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan