How many times did the brazilian constitution get amended

Paragraph 2 - The remuneration of the State Deputies shall be established in each legislative term, for the subsequent one, by the Legislative Assembly, as provided by articles 150, II, 153, III, and 153, paragraph 2, I, in the proportion of seventy-five percent, at most, of the remuneration established, in legal tender, for the Federal Deputies. . "

VI - the remuneration of the City Councilmen shall correspond, at the most, to seventy-five percent of the remuneration established, in legal tender, for the State Deputies, except for the provisions of article 37, XI:
VII - the total expenditure with the remuneration of the City Councilmen may not exceed the amount of five percent of the revenue of the Municipality; . "

Article 3. This Constitutional Amendment shall come into force on the date of its publication.

Bras�lia, March 31, 1992

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Deputy Ibsen Pinheiro, President - Deputy Waldir Pires, Second Vice-President - Deputy Cunha Bueno, Third Secretary - Deputy Max Rosenmann, Fourth Secretary.

THE DlRECTlNG BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Senator Mauro Benevides, President - Senator, Alexandre Costa, First Vice-President - Senator Carlos De 'Carli , Second Vice-President - Senator Dirceu Carneiro , First Secretary - Senator M�rcio Lacerda , Second Secretary - Senator Iram Saraiva , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , April 6, 1992. ORIGINAL WORDING

Article 27: "Paragraph 2 - The remuneration of the State Deputies shall be established in each legislative term, for the subsequent one, by the Legislative Assembly, as provided in articles 150, III, and 153, paragraph 2, I."

Article 29: VI to VII: original numbering of items VIII to XIV.

Sole article. The plebiscite mentioned in article 2 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act shall be held on April 21, 1993.

Paragraph I - The form and system of government defined by the plebiscite shall become effective on January 1, 1995.

Paragraph 2 - The law may provide for the holding of the plebiscite, including provisions for the free divulgation, free of charge, of the forms and systems of government, through public utility mass communication vehicles, equal allotment of time and parity of scheduling being ensured.

Paragraph 3 - The rule set forth in the preceding paragraph does not preclude the competence of the Superior Electoral Court to issue instructions necessary to the holding of the plebiscite.

Bras�lia, August 25,1992.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Deputy Ibsen Pinheiro, President - President-Deputy Gen�sio Bernardino , First Vice-President - Deputy Waldir Pires, Second Vice-President - Deputy Inoc�ncio Oliveira , First Secretary - Deputy Etevaldo Nogueira , Second Secretary - Deputy Cunha Bueno, Third Secretary - Deputy Max Rosenmann, Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Senator Mauro Benevides, President - Senator Alexandre Costa , First Vice-President - Senator Carlos De' Carli , Second Vice-President - Senator Dirceu Carneiro , First Secretary - Senator M�rcio Lacerda , Second Secretary - Senator Rachid Sald�nha Derzi , Third Secretary - Senator Iram Saraiva , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , September 1, 1992.

The Directing Boards of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Federal Senate, under the terms of paragraph 3 of article 60. of the Federal Constitution, promulgate the following Amendment to the constitutional text:

Paragraph 6 - The retirement and pension benefits of the federal civil servants shall be financed by resources originating from the Union and from the contributions of the civil servants, under the terms of the law."

Paragraph 10 - The provisions in article 40, paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 apply to the servicemen referred to in this article and to their pensioners.
. "
" Article 102 . I -. a) direct actions of unconstitutionality of a federal or state law or normative act, and declaratory actions of constitutionality of a federal law or normative act; .

Paragraph 1 - A claim of non-compliance with a fundamental precept deriving from this Constitution shall be examined by the Supreme Federal Court, under the terms of the law.

Paragraph 2 - Final decisions on merits, pronounced by the Supreme Federal Court, in declaratory actions of constitutionality of a federal law or normative act, shall have force against all, as well as a binding effect, as regards the other bodies of the Judicial Power, as well as the Executive Power."

" Article 103 . .
Paragraph 4 - A declaratory action of constitutionality may be filed by the President of the Republic, the Directing Board of the Federal Senate, the Directing Board of the Chamber of Deputies or by the Attorney-General of the Republic."

Paragraph 6 Any subsidy or exemption; reduction of assessment basis, concession of presumed credit , amnesty or remission, related to taxes, fees or contributions, may only be granted by means of a specific federal, state or municipal law, which provides exclusively for the above-enumerated matters or the corresponding tax, fee or contribution without prejudice to the provisions of article 155, paragraph 2, item XII, g .

Paragraph 7 - The law may impose upon the taxpayer the burden of the payment of a tax or contribution, whose taxable event will occur later, the immediate and preferential restitution of the amount paid being ensured, in case the presumed taxable event does not occur."

" Article 155 . The states and the Federal District shall have the power to institute taxes on:
I - transfer by death and donation of any property or rights;

II - transactions relating to the circulation of goods and to the rendering of interstate and intermunicipal transportation services and services of communication, even when such transactions and renderings begin abroad;
III - ownership of automotive vehicles.
Paragraph 1 - The tax established in item I:

Paragraph 2 - The tax established in item II shall observe the following:

Paragraph 3 With the exception of the taxes mentioned in item II of the caption of the present article, and article 153, I and II, no other tribute may be levied on transactions concerning electric energy, telecommunications services, petroleurn by-products fuels and minerals of the country."

III services of any nature not included in article 155; II; as defined in a supplementary law.

Paragraph 3 - As regards the tax established in item III; a supplementary law shall:

I - establish its maximum rates;
II - exclude exportations of services to other countries from levy of the said tax. "

" Article 160 . Sole paragraph - The prohibition mentioned in the present article does not prevent the Union and the states from remitting the funds on condition of payment of their credits, including those of the autonomous government agencies."

IV - to bind tax revenues to an agency, fund or expense, excepting the sharing of the proceeds from the collection of the taxes referred to in articles 158 and 159, the allocation of funds for the maintenance and development of education, as determined in article 212, and the granting of guarantees on credit transactions by advance of revenues, as established in article 165, paragraph 8, as well as in paragraph 4 of the present article;

Paragraph 4 - It is permitted to bind proper revenues generated by the taxes referred to in articles 155 and 156, and the funds mentioned in articles 157,158 and 159, I, a and b , to the granting of a guarantee or a counterguarantee to the Union, and to the payment of debits owed to the same."

*Article 2. The Union may institute, under the terms of a supplementary law, effective until December 31, 1994, a tax on the transaction or transfer of securities and of credits and rights of a financial nature.

* Paragraph 4 revoked by article 2 of the Revision Constitutional Amendments 1/94.

Paragraph 1. The rate of the tax mentioned in the present article shall not exceed twenty-five hundredths percent, and the Executive Power may reduce it or re-establish it, in whole or in part, under the conditions and limits set forth in law.

Paragraph 2 - Article 150, III, b, and VI, and the provisions of paragraph 5 of article 153 of this Constitution do not apply to the tax mentioned in the present article.

Paragraph 3 - The proceeds from the collection of the tax mentioned in the present article are not subject to any mode of sharing with another unit of the federation.

Paragraph 4 - Of the proceeds from the collection of the tax mentioned in the present article, twenty percent shall be assigned to the funding of low- income housing programs.

Article 3. The elimination of the tax additional to income tax, within the competence of the states, deriving from the present Constitutional Amendment, shall only become effective as of January 1, 1996, the corresponding rate being reduced to at least two and a half percent in the fiscal year of 1995.

Article 4. The elimination of the tax on the retail sales of liquid and gaseous fuels, within the competence of the municipalities, deriving from the present Constitutional Amendment, shall only become effective as of January 1, 1996, the corresponding rate being reduced to at least one and a half percent in the fiscal year of 1995.

Article 5. Until December 31, 1999, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities may only issue public debt bonds up to the amount necessary to refinance the principal, adequately updated, of its liabilities. represented by that type of bonds, with the exception of the provisions of article 33, sole paragraph, of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act.

Article 6. Item IV and paragraph 4 of article 156 of the Federal Constitution are hereby revoked.

Bras�lia, March 17, 1993.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Deputy Inoc�ncio Oliveira, President - President-Deputy Adylson Motta, First Vice-President - Deputy Fernando Lyra, Second Vice-President - Deputy , Wilson Campos - First Secretary - Deputy Cardoso Alves, Second Secretary - Deputy B. S�, Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Senator Humberto Lucena , President - Senator Chagas Rodrigues , First Vice-President - Senator Levy Dias , Second Vice-President - Senator J�lio Campos , First Secretary - Senator Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary - Senator J�nia Marise , Third Secretary Senator Nelson Wedekin , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , March 18, 1993. ORIGINAL WORDING

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Deputy Inoc�ncio Oliveira President - Deputy Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Deputy Cardoso Alves, Second Secretary - Deputy B. S� , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Senator Humberto Lucena, President - Senator Chagas Rodrigues , First Vice-President - Senator Levy Dias , Second Vice-President - Senator J�lio Campos , First Secretary - Senator Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Levy Dias, Third Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , August 16, 1995. ORIGINAL WORDING

Paragraph 2 - The states shall have the power to operate, directly or by means of a concession to a slate-owned company, with exclusive rights of distribution, the local services of piped gas."

IX - preferential treatment for small enterprises organized under Brazilian laws and having their head-office and management in Brazil."

" Article 176 . Paragraph 1 - The prospecting and mining of mineral resources and the utilization of the potentials mentioned in the caption of this article may only take place with authorization or concession by the Union, in the national interest, by Brazilians or by a company organized under Brazilian laws and having its head- office and management in Brazil, in the manner set forth by law, which law shall establish specific conditions when such activities are to be conducted in the boundary zone or on Indian lands."

Bras�lia. August 15, 1995.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Levy Dias, Third Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , August 16, 1995. ORIGINAL WORDING

Paragraph 1 - The law may, with regard to a Brazilian company of domestic capital:
I - grant special temporary protection and benefits for the development of activities deemed strategic for the national defense or vital to the development of the country;
II - establish, whenever it deems a sector vital to national technological development, the following conditions and requisites, among others:
a) the requirement that the control mentioned in item II of the caption be extended to the company's technological activities this being understood as de facto and legal exercise of the decision-making power to develop or absorb technology;
b) percentages of capital participation by individuals domiciled and resident in Brazil or by domestic public entities.

Paragraph 2 - In the procurement of goods and services, the Government shall give preferential treatment to Brazilian companies of domestic capital, as established by law."

Paragraph 1 - The prospecting and mining of mineral resources and the utilization of the potentials mentioned in the caption of this article may only take place with authorization or concession by the Union, in the national interest, by Brazilians or by Brazilian companies of domestic capital, in the manner set forth by law, which law shall establish specific conditions when such activities are to be conducted in the boundary zone or on Indian lands.

Paragraph 2 - The owner of the soil is ensured of participation in the results of the mining operation, in the manner and amount as the law shall establish.

Paragraph 3 - Authorization for prospecting shall always be for a set period of time and the authorization and concession set forth in this article may not be assigned or transferred, either in full or in part, without the prior consent of the conceding authority.

Paragraph 4 - Exploitation of a renewable energy potential of small capacity shall not require an authorization or concession."

Sole Paragraph. In regulating water transportation, the law shall set forth the conditions in which the transportation of goods in coastal and internal navigation will be permitted to foreign vessels."

Article 2. The following article 246 shall be included in Title IX - "General Constitutional Provisions"

"Article 246. The adoption of any provisional measure for the regulation of any article of the Constitution the wording of which has been altered by means of an amendment enacted as of 195 is forbidden "

Bras�lia, August 15,1995.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Levy Dias, Third Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , August 16, 1995. ORIGINAL WORDING

I - the regulation of air, ocean and ground transportation;
II - the predominance of domestic shipowners and ship of Brazilian flag and registration, and of those of the exporting or importing country;
III - bulk transportation;
IV - the use of fishing and other vessels.
Paragraph 1- The regulation of international transportation shall comply with the agreements entered into by the Union with due regard for the principle of reciprocity.

Paragraph 2 - The captains, at least two-thirds of the crew, as well as those who own and exploit domestic vessels shall be Brazilian.

Paragraph 3 - Coastal and internal navigation are restricted to Brazilian vessels. except in the event of public necessity, as established by law."

XI - operate, directly or through authorization, concession or permission, the telecommunications services, as set forth by law, which law shall provide for the organization of the services, the establishment of a regulatory agency and other institutiutional issues;
XII - operate, directly or through authorization, concession or permission:
a) the services of sound broadcasting and of sound and image broadcasting;

Article 2. The adoption of any Provisional Measure for the regulation of the matter set forth in item XI of article 21 with the wording given by this constitutional amendment is forbidden.

Bras�lia, August 15, 1995.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Levy Dias, Third Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , August 16, 1995. ORIGINAL WORDING

Paragraph 1 - The Union may contract with state-owned or with private enterprises for .he execution of the activities provided for in items I through IV of this article, with due regard for the conditions set forth by law."

Paragraph 2 - The law referred to in paragraph 1 shall provide for:
I - a guarantee of supply of petroleum products in the whole national territory;
II- the conditions of contracting;
III- the structure and duties of the regulatory agency of the monopoly of the Union."

Article 3. The issuing of any provisional measure for the regulation of the matter set forth in items I through IV and in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 177 of the Federal Constitution is forbidden.

Bras�lia, November 9, 1995.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Levy Dias, Third Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal . November 10, 1995 ORIGINAL WORDING

Paragraph 2 - The law shall provide with respect to the transportation and use of radioactive materials within the national territory."

Paragraph 3 - The Executive Power shall publish, on a bimonthly basis, a budget execution statement, which statement shall list the sources and applications of the Fund established by this article."

Bras�lia, March 4, 1996.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Levy Dias, Third Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal. March 7, 1996. ORIGINAL WORDING

Bras�lia, April 30, 1996.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Levy Dias, Third Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , May 2, 1996.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Third Secretary - Eduardo Suplicy , Substitute Secretary.

Official Journal . August 16, 1996.

II - authorization and operation of insurance, reinsurance, so security and capitalization companies, as well as of supervising agency;"

Bras�lia, August 21, 1996.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Third Secretary - Eduardo Suplicy , Substitute Secretary.

II - progressive universalization of the free high high-school education;"

Paragraph 1 - The Union shall organize the federal education system and that of the Territories, shall finance the federal public educational institutions and shall have, in educational matters, a redistributive and supplementary function, so as to guarantee the equalization of the educational opportunities and a minimum standard of quality of education, through technical and financial assistance to the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities.
Paragraph 2 - The Municipalities shall act on a priority basis in elementary education and in the education of children.
Paragraph 3 - The States and the Federal District shall act on a priority basis in elementary and secondary education.
Paragraph 4 - In the organization of their educational systems, the States and Municipalities shall establish forms of cooperation, so as to guarantee the universalization of the mandatory education."

Bras�lia, September 12,1996.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Third Secretary - Eduardo Suplicy , Substitute Secretary.

Official Journal , September 13, 1996. ORIGINAL WORDING

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: Lu�s Eduardo , President - Ronaldo Perim , First Vice-President - Beto Mansur , Second Vice-President - Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Leopoldo Bessone , Second Secretary - Benedito Domingos , Third Secretary - Jo�o Henrique , Fourth Secretary.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE FEDERAL SENATE: Jos� Sarney , President - Teotonio Vilela Filho , First Vice-President - J�lio Campos , Second Vice-President - Odacir Soares , First Secretary - Renan Calheiros , Second Secretary - Ernandes Amorim , Third Secretary - Eduardo Suplicy , Substitute Secretary.

Official Journal , September 13, 1996. ORIGINAL WORDING

The Directing Board of the National Congress, under the terms of article 60 of the Federal Constitution, combined with article 3 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, promulgates the following constitutional amendment:

Article 72. The Emergency Social Fund is comprised of:

I - the proceeds from the collection of the tax on income and earnings of any nature to be levied at source on payments of any nature effected by the Union, including its autonomous government agencies and foundations;
II - the part of the proceeds from the collection of the tax on urban buildings and urban land property, of the tax on income and earnings of any nature, and of the tax on credit, foreign exchange and insurance transactions, or transactions relating to bonds and securities, resulting from the changes generated by Provisional Measure 419 and from Laws 8,847,8,849 and 8,468, all dated January 28, 1994, the period in force of the latter being extended to December 31, 1995;
III - the part of the proceeds from the collection due to the increase of the rate of welfare contribution on the profit of taxpayers mentioned in paragraph 1 of article 22 of Law 8.212 of July 24, 1991, which, in the fiscal years of 1994 and 1995 shall be of 30 percent, the other stipulations of Law 7,869 of December 15, 1988 remaining unchanged;
IV - twenty percent of the proceeds from the collection of all taxes and contributions to the Union, except those provided by items I, II and III;
V - the part of the proceeds from the collection of the contribution mentioned in Supplementary Law 7, of September 7, 1970, owed by the juridical entities referred to in item III of this article which will be calculated, in the fiscal years of 1994 and 1995, through the employment of a rate of seventy five hundredths of one percent on the gross operating income, as defined in the legislation of income tax and earnings of any nature;
VI - other incomes defined in specific legislation.

Paragraph 1 - The rates and calculation base defined in items III and V shall be applied as from the first day of the month following the ninetieth day after the promulgation of this amendment.

Paragraph 2 - The parts referred to in items I, II, III and V shall be previously deducted of the calculation base of any legal or constitutional designation or participation, and the provisions of articles 158, II, 159,212 and 239 of the Constitution shall not apply to them.
Paragraph 3 - The part referred to in item IV shall be previously deducted from the calculation base of any constitutional or legal designation or participation stipulated by articles 153, paragraph 5, 157, II, 158, IT, 212 and 239 of the Constitution.
Paragraph 4 - The provision of the former paragraph shall not apply to the resources provided by article 159 of the Constitution.
Paragraph 5 - The part of the resources originating from the tax on rural property and from the tax on income and earnings of any nature, designated for the Emergency Social Fund, as provided by item II of this article, shall not exceed:
I - in the case of the tax on rural property, eighty six and two- tenths of one percent of the total proceeds from its collection;
II - in the case of the tax on income and earnings of any nature, five and six-tenths of one percent of the total proceeds from its collection

Article 73. In the regulation of the Emergency Social Fund, the instrument provided by item V of article 59 of the Constitution may not be applied."

Article 2. Paragraph 4 of article 2 of the Constitutional Amendment No. 3 of 1993 is hereby revoked.

Article 3. This amendment shall come into force on the date of its publication.

Bras�lia, March 1, 1994.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS: Humberto Lucena , President - Adylson Motta , First Vice-President - Levy Dias - Second Vice-President Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary - A�cio Neves , Third Secretary - Nelson Wedekin , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , March 2, 1994.

The Directing Board of the National Congress, under the terms of article 60 of the Federal Constitution, combined with article 3 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, promulgates the following constitutional amendment:

Bras�lia, June 7, 1994.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS: Humberto Lucena , President - Adylson Motta , First Vice-President - Levy Dias - Second Vice-President Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary - A�cio Neves , Third Secretary - Nelson Wedekin , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , June 9, 1994. ORIGINAL WORDING

The Directing Board of the National Congress, under the terms of article 60 of the Federal Constitution, combined with article 3 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, promulgates the following constitutional amendment:

Bras�lia, June 7, 1994.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS: Humberto Lucena , President - Adylson Motta , First Vice-President - Levy Dias - Second Vice-President Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary - A�cio Neves , Third Secretary - Nelson Wedekin , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , June 9, 1994. ORIGINAL WORDING

The Directing Board of the National Congress, under the terms of article 60 of the Federal Constitution, combined with article 3 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, promulgates the following constitutional amendment:

Bras�lia, June 7, 1994.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS: Humberto Lucena , President - Adylson Motta , First Vice-President - Levy Dias - Second Vice-President Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary - A�cio Neves , Third Secretary - Nelson Wedekin , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , June 9, 1994. ORIGINAL WORDING

The Directing Board of the National Congress, under the terms of article 60 of the Federal Constitution, combined with article 3 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, promulgates the following constitutional amendment:

Article 1. In article 82, the expression "five years" is replaced by "four years."

Article 2. This Constitutional Amendment shall come into force on January 1, 1995.

Bras�lia, June 7, 1994.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS: Humberto Lucena , President - Adylson Motta , First Vice-President - Levy Dias - Second Vice-President Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary - A�cio Neves , Third Secretary - Nelson Wedekin , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , June 9, 1994. ORIGINAL WORDING

The Directing Board of the National Congress, under the terms of article 60 of the Federal Constitution, combined with article 3 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, promulgates the following constitutional amendment:

Bras�lia, June 7, 1994.

THE DIRECTING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS: Humberto Lucena , President - Adylson Motta , First Vice-President - Levy Dias - Second Vice-President Wilson Campos , First Secretary - Nabor J�nior , Second Secretary - A�cio Neves , Third Secretary - Nelson Wedekin , Fourth Secretary.

Official Journal , June 9, 1994.