Bureau of Human Resources

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Bureau of Human Resources


The Department of Human Resources directs and coordinates all human resource activities for those departments under the jurisdiction of the President of the Cook County Board. These activities include maintaining an applicant tracking system which monitors the status of job applications which have been submitted to the Department. The Department is also responsible for classification and compensation, collective bargaining and labor-management relations.

Snapshot of Cook County Government

Unlawful Political Discrimination

If you have information concerning unlawful political discrimination in connection with any aspect of Cook County government employment, you should contact the Office of the Independent Inspector General (OIIG) at (877) 448-4756 or (312) 603-0350. Alternatively you can file a complaint by fax or mail using the form below. Complaints can be made anonymously.

Prevailing Wage Rates and Procurement Code Information:

Per the County’s Procurement Code, Section 34-163, find below the link to the Illinois Department of Labor web site with the current prevailing wage rates: IL Dept of Labor